There is a beauty and complexity to my family. We are loud, and we are proud! We are welcoming, and loving, we are supportive, and forgiving! As Letty Cottin Pogrebin said we are "like an orange: a circle of sections, held together but separable - each segment distinct"
My older sister Sherry started sending subtle hints (initially) that she would enjoy if I posted something about "our" family (the Vandale/Courtemanche side)... her hints became less than subtle when my whole family started to ask me when I would write about "our" family. Well, Miss Sherry here's a post for you!

How it all started: Mom met dad on the CB and it was a love story! Then came Vince, Sherry, and myself, throw in a marriage and later a divorce. Things got rough, real rough. My momma took us out of a broken abusive home with NOTHING! NO PLACE TO GO, NO JOB, NO MONEY, NOTHING BUT THE CLOTHES ON OUR BACKS!!! She left and took us with her. And she figured it out. We lived in a woman's shelter for 3 weeks, we were secluded at school and had a secret life for sometime, we watched over our shoulder and lived in fear. I cannot imagine the fear she must have been living through on a daily basis, or the loneliness she felt. My mother has sacrificed so much throughout her life for me and has taught me selflessness; she has worked so hard without complaint, and has taught me self- discipline and work ethic. She always rises to the challenge no matter how huge, or insurmountable it may seem; when her back is up against a wall let me tell you this woman will prevail. My momma is a woman who loves from the depth of her soul, swears with all her might, and laughs from her heart.

My brother Vince and I grew up enjoying each other's company... alright, alright! I probably enjoyed his company more than he did mine. Although, I must admit Vince's friends sure didn't mind my company. As a young girl and into my teenage years I enjoyed playing soccer in the back yard, watching hockey/ball hockey games of his, and I didn't mind taking over his music, video games and room either. The beautiful thing about this relationship is that we never really talked too much and he never really made me feel like I was an annoyance to him. I wasn't his pesty little sister... I guess it helps that I didn't steal his clothes and wear them like a certain sister of his! But, oh boy did he know how to get me to do anything for him(I like to give him a hard time about these two), yup the time he got me to steal a pack of gum from the local convenience store (which I am not proud of) or the time he made me push the Honda around the block by myself. He has always had my best interest at heart and has always shown me in his way that he loves me.

Oh my, oh my! I guess it's Sherry next. There could be a lot or very little to say. Growing up we were like oil and water; constantly bickering, and fighting. She had a loud bark until she found out I got the bite, yup that's right I'm the strongest sister in this family! Although Sherry and I weren't great friends growing up, we sure have developed quite the sisterhood over the past decade. Sherry is willing to listen to me when I am troubled, she withholds judgment and is supportive in my decisions. She can tell me how it is without upsetting me, and she knows she can call me without taking a second look at the clock. We have fun together acting silly and childish and I cherish our laughter.

My little Britt is something special too! Growing up we shared a room to my dismay, and likely hers too? Brittany and I too had a rough relationship growing up as I resented her most of the time... for taking my mother's time and attention and for never being able to have privacy. She was especially gullible, right Bitty? I convinced Britt that she was found in an abandoned garbage bin and started calling her garbage girl. Later I told her as a result of her time in the garbage the fumes gave her "jungle foot", a common side effect of garbage girls. Poor girl was so upset! Like Sherry and I, Brittany and I now enjoy a healthy relationship. I am proud of the steps Brittany is making towards being independent and I am grateful that Jack has a great auntie in her.

My father came back into my life for a brief time before his sudden passing. He was patient while I asked questions, and was honest when he answered them. He made me laugh, and he made me feel loved. I knew that my father's prayers were answered when his children came back into his life and that his heart was over flowing with love. I could see his love for my mother and his deep regret at losing the love of his life. I also know that he was so very proud of her and the children she raised.
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