Saturday, September 25, 2010


I've been reading Kelle Hampton's blog now for a couple of months (thanks Julie) and often find myself inspired by her love for life her children and photography! Some may say Kelle has been thrown some lemons in life(a child with Down Syndrome), but she sure has made some sweet sweet lemonade despite the challenges she faces raising Nella. And what a blessing Miss Nella is!

The joy that children bring is captivating, the challenge HUGE, probably the ONE largest, greatest, time consuming, life changing kind-of challenge there is. My house isn't always tidy (actually it's very infrequent that it is these days and I don`t anticipate this will change any time soon), my hair isn't always done nor the laundry, dinner isn't always made for my husband, and there are toys EVERYWHERE but my little is growing up in an emotionally secure home where it's okay to make messes, have a little dirt under his nails, and play without a diaper even after the numerous accidents that have called for the noisy monstrous water spewing, dirt sucking steam cleaner.

We learn, play and have fun together. We have spontaneous baths in the kitchen sink, read books, finger paint naked (him) and roar rather loudly like lions while terrorizing the house. We've broken a few things, bumped our heads, climbed a few things we shouldn't have perhaps but we are living our lives grateful that we have been blessed.

We are all doing our best.

"Women can be hard on each other" - be it weight, height, beauty, outlook on life or friendship or relationships, parenting you name it.

"We have insecurities and we say things and we hold standards for each other that sometimes aren't fair."
Yes, we've all been guilty of this, we all also know what it feels like on the flip side and it ain't pretty. There is more power in lifting others up, than a clumsy push down.

"We can talk about things we shouldn't talk about and do things we shouldn't do", we should start holding each other accountable (in a private and acceptable manner) to really encourage respect for others and ourselves... we are all much better than belittling someone for our own gain.

"We really should be doing more", more for each other and less for ourselves.

"I believe in women and the amazing power we give each other. There are millions of amazing, inspiring, genuine women out there doing their best."

And I am one of them.

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