Anthony has blessed my life in countless ways: he accepts me, loves me, supports/encourages me, created a family with me and he continues to share so much with me. I can't help but to feel grateful and blessed for this man and the life we have built together. I am so thankful! I've been thinking a lot lately of one of the many precious things Anthony has shared with me: his family.

I love the Bissoon family very much and feel their love and acceptance of me (yet another blessing). I am a daughter to Sharon, a sister to Rohana and Mandy (and I believe Sharon too), and I am an Auntie to Dalton and Breana. I must admit that we (Anthony and I) have landed in "in-law heaven" as our families get along quite well (minus a few silly dramas). I have seen faith at work (Sharon); shown true Christian character (Mandy), deeds and words (Rohana). Starting my relationship with God has been made easier with all your support and for this I will be forever appreciative!

They love us so much they even showed up to our wedding... most of them dressed to impress; Sharon however didn't... her clothes were in a laundry basket with her not on time Bissoon husband! Well, needless to say once those clothes arrived my mother had Sharon stripped down and re-dressed in a minute flat (and I'm NOT exaggerating). Let me tell you people, YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO SEE YOUR MOTHER-IN-LAW NAKED EVER! (Conley would agree) ESPECIALLY ON YOUR WEDDING DAY, man that should have been a good enough excuse for cold feet, but even a naked mother-in-law wouldn't deter my love for Anthony. Our wedding was perfect, and our union is stronger than ever!
So speaking of love and weddings, I am uber excited for Mandy (my sister in-law) & Mike to be getting married!!! I am over the moon happy that Mandy gets to be a bride and have the wedding and life every little girl dreams of.
I'm fly off the roof top over joyed that I am going to be the Maid of Honour! I've been thinking about our friendship a lot lately and remembering many late night conversations, soul searching, mulling over the quiter times in our friendship, the silly giggles, and the love. I am blessed that we are always able to pick up where we left off and am truely thankful for this. Thank you Mandy.
Anthony has given me a gift that keeps on giving.... thank you Anthony and thank you Bissoon family for sharing your lives with me!
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