It's been a busy few months since the last post so I'll try to catch you up to speed of the happening's around the Bissoon house in a quick fragmented post.

In November we celebrated a little early the first birthday of our sweet sweet Selwyn Jack. It was a very emotional time for both Anthony and I as we were celebrating a successful pregnancy and birth. Over the past year we have reminiscenced about the first ultrasound that introduced us to Jack; the initially small womb movements then the big early morning kicks that would wake Anthony up as my belly was always nuzzled to his back at night. Needless to say labour was not what we were expecting - I was hoping for a medication free, natural vaginal birth... but what we got was two and a half days of labour, no sleep, an epidural, an induction, a baby in distress, an episiotomy, forceps and the birth of our beautiful son ...

It was great to have a day to celebrate Jack and to acknowledge that we've survived the fist year as a family. Jack's birthday was perfect! We had the coolest birthday invitations made in the Netherlands to invite family and friends to his pool party! And the turn out was great. Jack was in his element... he was able to show off his floating and dunking skills and was able to dive into his birthday cake with ease after a homemade lunch. We are grateful for all those who came; it truly does take a community to raise a child and you (yes you!)mean so much to us. The support we have received in the past year has been overwhelming. Thank you!

Jack has changed our lives forever and we are so grateful, so blessed and so thankful that the Lord has trusted us with one of his most special children. The challenge has been great but every effort is rewarded by the smallest hint of a smile, laugh, hug, or the soft sound of his voice saying a new word.
We spent some time in Edmonton visiting family the weekend prior to Christmas so we could have a relaxing Christmas at home in Calgary. We enjoyed the laziness of our day. There were half opened gifts scattered around the house and a huge mess that waited until boxing day. Dinner was the best! It was small, nothing special and took very little effort, yup, it was my idea of perfect.

Anthony's birthday was a few days after Christmas which we celebrated with his family in Calgary.

New Years came and went without much celebration. We celebrated my birthday the following day with Vietnamese food at one of my
favorite restaurants and it was wonderful.